Porto Carras, Halkidiki GREECE / 12 - 19 July
Alex Zubarev (Ukraine) is the winner of the 2008 Summer Cup..!
ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ / 19 July 2008 (PDF file)
CLICK HERE for PHOTOS from the 2008 Summer Cup
Carras Grand Resort / Athens Chess Club under the aegis of the Greek Chess
The games will take place in the luxurious Porto Carras Grand Resort*****, the largest of Europe and the Mediterranean (1763 hectares!), on the seaside of Sithonia in Halkidiki. An excellent summer location with 9 km of sandy beaches and a panoramic view of the Aegean Sea!
1st round: Saturday 12 July, 17:30
2nd round - 3rd round: Sunday 13 July, 10:30 & 17:15
4th - 8th round: Monday to Friday 14-18 July, daily at 17:15
9th round: Saturday 19 July, 10:30
Closing Ceremony: Saturday 19 July, 16:00
rated swiss system in 9 rounds. Open to all chess players. Time limit: 90
minutes for 40 moves + 20 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds increment
for every move starting from move 1.
place: 1000, 2nd: 500, 3rd: 300, 4th-5th:
200 each.
woman: 200, 2nd woman: 150, 3rd woman: 100.
Special category "Performance minus FIDE Rating": 1st:
200, 2nd: 150, 3rd: 100. Only FIDE ratings apply.
In case of a
tie, prizes are divided equally. A player qualifying for more than one prizes
receives all of them.
Cup and medals will also be awarded to the 3 top
winners and the 3 top children of U12 category.
Euro (EUR) approx. = 1,56 USD or 0,78 GBP or 36,80 RUB (as of 25/4/2008).
nearest airport to Porto Carras is Thessaloniki, 115 km north, which is connected
daily with many European airports. The IATA code of Thessaloniki airport is
SKG. The major Greek airlines are Olympic
Airways and Aegean
Airways while many international airlines also serve Thessaloniki. You
can always check other flights with your travel agent or also find low-cost
airtickets to Thessaloniki at SkyScanner.
A taxi ride from Thessaloniki to Porto Carras shall cost about 80 EUR. Bus
connection to Neos Marmaras (next to Porto Carras) is also very frequent.
Entries must be sent by fax to the number (+30) 2121219426 or by e-mail at cup2008@greekchess.com All entries should include full name, rating, accomodation type, dates of arrival/departure and receipt of bank transfer. All entries are subject to approval.
information / Tournament Director
(+30) 6977973587 or (+30) 6942956218, Mr Aggelos Tzermiadianos
(+30) 2121219426